A. If you live INSIDE the United States and would like a copy of the Strait Path to Real Estate Wealth, use the following link: [Insert Link Here]
If you live OUTSIDE the United States and would like a copy of the Strait Path to Real Estate Wealth, use the following link: [Insert Link Here]
Limit on physical copies: 1 copy per person. If you would like to inquire for additional copies, please email help@kriskrohn.com.
A. To log into the new mentor vault, go to uplife-group.mykajabi.com. You'll use the email address associated with your course purchase, and if you have not yet set up your account or you do not know your password, you'll use the "forgot password" feature. At that point, you'll receive an email from Kajabi inviting you to reset your password and log into your account.
Alternatively, you can download the Kajabi mobile app for iOS or Android mobile devices and log in with the same credentials. Note: If you have logged in to the Kajabi app with multiple accounts, you can switch back and forth between those accounts using the hamburger menu at the top-left corner of the screen.
Navigating In Kajabi: To view your library, go to uplife-group.mykajabi.com/library or click My Library in the account menu. Once in the library, click on the course you'd like to view. Keep in mind, if you have a large number of courses the library page will be split into multiple pages which you can navigate to by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
Each course is separated into modules and lessons. A module it typically referred to as a group of lessons, but in some courses, a single lesson is quite long and is considered a module all on its own.
Downloads/Bonuses: Some bonuses in the form of downloadable files are included throughout each course in association with particular lessons. For example, in a lesson about contracts, there may be a download link on the same page allowing you to download the associated contracts.
We are typically open from 9am - 5pm Mountain Daylight Time on weekdays. Special circumstances (such as holidays and excessive weather) may make us unavailable within these hours. We appreciate your patience and will do our best to be in touch with you within 1 - 2 business days.
If you have a request, question, or inquiry, please submit your ruquest at www.kriskrohn.com/support. Alternatively, you can send a text, email, or leave a voicemail with your inquiry and we will help as soon as we can.
Support Phone Number: (844) 714-5091
Support Email: help@kriskrohn.com
HYPERLINK "mailto:help@kriskrohn.com"Support Website: www.kriskrohn.com/support
A. If you're interested in reading some of Kris's other incredible books and digital resources, check out the following links:
[Have It All Digital Funnel Link]
[Limitless Digital Funnel Link]
[Krohn Consortium Digital Funnel Link]
A. Kris is very busy with business ventures, real estate, and his family. As such, proximity with Kris is reserved for his real estate partners only. However, you can speak with a coach trained by Kris Krohn and see if you qualify for partnership: [Link to Get a Free Game Plan]
Kris has trained a handful of coaches to give game plan calls in which a coach finds out where you're at, where you'd like to go, and shows you how you can get there. Click here if you'd like to sign up for your free game plan call: [Link to Game Plan Call]